Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Passing The Time...

So communication thus far this deployment has pretty much blown! I got 1 email and a "technically 20 minute" Skype call--but the connection was so bad it was all of a 5 minute conversation.--

I know, I know...count your at least HAVE heard from him. It still doesn't make it easier knowing that a friends ex husband has been able to call her 3 times as much (The Man and this other guy aren't at the same location).

So, to help me pass the time I have taught myself to crochet...well...really...YouTube taught me how to crochet but it is helping pass the time. So far I have only completed one project.

Those leg warmers took me about 2 days to finish but Little Miss loves them.

And now I am working on Little Man's blanket.
Hopefully I will be done with it by the end of this week.

Yarn has been very very therapeutic so far. Hopefully it keeps it up. My stress levels are amazingly low!


  1. I attempted to learn to crochet while my husband was deployed....I bought the needles which came with an instruction book thing. I read the book, and the next day returned it all to the store :) Your stuff looks great, makes me want to try again!

  2. I'm making a blanket almost identical to that! Same yarn, slightly different pattern, but pretty close and for my little man!
