Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pre Deployment Woes.

There is nothing fun about preparing for a deployment. I am learning this very quickly as we get closer and closer to enduring our first.

The tensions are high, we are both very quick to anger, and the worst part...Little Miss realizes something isn't right.

As The Man starts organizing his stuff Little Miss starts putting it back were it goes.

She has endured 2 TDYs in the last 90 of them lasting 40 she knows she hates when The Man has to leave.

My heart breaks right now. She is such a daddy's girl. And for 6 months she will have to only hear his recorded voice, maybe a phone call if she's awake, and talk to her daddy doll.

Little Man seems to get something is up too. He may only be 1 but for the past 3 days he hasn't left The Man's side.

I know kids are resilient, I do...but it doesn't make it any easier for me to watch my babies hearts shatter as daddy has to leave.

And of course The Man and I both have our own troubles. I still haven't processed the deployment...and don't want to. He and I are both list people. The typical conversation is "Ok, what appointments do you have today and what is still left?" "I need to make sure this, this, this, and that are done before I leave."

I think we are just trying to keep things normal.

Normal is easier.

But for 6 months I will miss seeing this.
But with technology today, and the wonders of Skype, hopefully this deployment will be easier than I am planning for.

You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.  ~Frederick Buechner

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